The Mario Blog

11.05.2014—12pm    Post #2070
When the color red prevailed on those US front pages

Now that the US Midterm 2014 Elections are history, we take a look at some of the front pages from across the country displaying the story of what has been called a GOP Republican Party clean up sweep with the voters.

It was a big victory day for the Republican Party in the US as it gained control of Congress, both the House and the Senate, reshaping the national political landscape

Of course, in the digital age and social media, Americans were glued to their TV sets and their smartphones through the night, not missing a number or “red alert” as state after state revealed its election results.

For printed newspapers the morning after, a difficult task: when breaking news does not break on your front page.  But, heck, there is still a front page, and I have selected a few US newspapers that managed to provide exciting headlines and images.  Many readers will definitely keep these front pages as souvenirs of the election that was.

The Mario Blog