The Mario Blog

04.07.2021—1am    Post #19049
When the linear story feels poetic, reaches deep inside

A narrative crafted for the mobile era, but with the charm of a solid human interest story that transcends time.

For those of us who study the craft of journalism daily, there are special days when one rejoices with a story that resonates at various levels: emotional, personal and as a great example of what is possible in the way we tell stories today.

First thing I have done after reading this touching story of how Covid19 changed our lives forever was to send the link to my Columbia University students. I attached this message:

“Dear students, here is a story that will inspire you and one from which I hope you can learn valuable lessons about storytelling techniques that make the story easy to consume on mobile devices. Here is an old time story , well written, but adapted to the way we consume stories today.. This story would have been good anytime. What makes it better is the techniques used to allow it to flow like good wine on the screen of your iPhone.”

That summarizes it. Just read the story here and draw your own conclusions:

When one first enters the story, there is no headline at all. This is an intro that combines imagery with quotes, leading to the start of the story. This is what we see first:

Then a headline and narrative appear:

But the narrative returns to the soft yellow background, imagery and quotes from those mentioned in the story. Each person telling a story of transformation as a result of Covid19.

The story uses the roll over technique for text. A beautifully written story that creates a mood visually and retains our interest through the power of the words and the stories told.

Every student of our craft needs to appreciate the way this story has been created and executed.

Our mobile storytelling workshops now available remotely

Professors: get your review version of The Story on time for fall classes

As an academic, I know the importance of having the right tools to advance our students, especially on the important subject of mobile storytelling. Please drop me an email if you would like to sample The Story in its digital edition:

Start writing or type / to choose a block

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is The-Story-promo-1024x710.png

The full trilogy of The Story now available–3 books to guide you through a mobile first strategy. Whether you’re a reporter, editor, designer, publisher, corporate communicator, The Story is for you! https://amazon

TheMarioBlog post # 3302

The Mario Blog