The Mario Blog

05.22.2018—12am    Post #7490
Visual is the way for German newspapers

There was a time when German newspapers were gray all over, and many editors were proud of that! Not anymore.

I have been traveling to Germany for work for over 30 years.  When I first visited Germany, I remember that my impression of newspapers was, simplistically stated, that they were all gray ladies with excessive use of text, few visuals and no color.

I have also seen the evolution of those German newspapers, some of which, like Die Zeit, Frankfurter Allegemeine and Suddeutsche Zeitung, are often cited as among the best designed in the world.  However, what impresses me the most is how visual these newspapers have become.

Traveling through Germany this week, I have picked up, at random, samples of the newspapers you see here. The display of visuals is bold, big and effective. Take a look:




All the final Columbia student projects here:

Columbia final projects, Spring 2018…rojects-part-one/




Mario’s Speaking Engagements

 June 3-6, 2018The Seminar, San Antonio, Texas.





June 7-8WAN-IFRA World Congress, Lisbon, Portugal


For more

June 12-14, CUE Days , Aarhus, Denmark


August 2, Digital House (Facebook workshop), Buenos Aires

October 6, 20, 27–King’s College, New York City

The Basics of Visual Journalism seminars


Garcia Media: Over 25 years at your service

TheMarioBlog post #2843



All the final Columbia student projects here:

Columbia final projects, Spring 2018…rojects-part-one/




Mario’s Speaking Engagements

 June 3-6, 2018The Seminar, San Antonio, Texas.





June 7-8WAN-IFRA World Congress, Lisbon, Portugal


For more

June 12-14, CUE Days , Aarhus, Denmark


August 2, Digital House (Facebook workshop), Buenos Aires

October 6, 20, 27–King’s College, New York City

The Basics of Visual Journalism seminars


Garcia Media: Over 25 years at your service

TheMarioBlog post #2843



The Mario Blog