He may be the King of Tweets, but he is obviously also the Prince of Print, according to this Politico article
At first, I was a bit taken aback as I read this Politico piece by Dabiel Lippman with a headline that refers to President Trump as “the print reader in chief.” After all, the President is quoted several times a day for his provocative Tweets. Want to check this out on your own: just go and see the Trump Tweet feed on the subject of the city of Baltimore.
According to Lippman, President Trump consumes print to a “voracious degree”, and not just newspapers, but also printouts prepared for him by his team about articles published anywhere that may be of interest to the boss.
In addition to his diet of major newspapers, Trump relies on paper copies of articles culled from elsewhere each day by his staff. The papers and printouts are cherished tools that allow him to monitor the coverage of his administration, reward allies and rebuke critics with dashed-off personal notes.
And if you wish to know which major newspapers President Trump devours first thing in the morning, Lippman tells us that, too:
Every morning before dawn, according to current and former White House officials, Trump has four daily newspapers — The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post — delivered to the White House residence.
Mr. Trump is 73 years old, a real baby boomer, with a voracious appetite for news, especially that which involves him—which is plenty. So, while he may be typical of men his age in terms of his love for print, that’s where the “everyman” analogy stops. Not many ordinary readers have articles selected by topics and presented to them.
However, if we consult Pew Research numbers, we see the following:
-Around half of newspaper readers consume newspapers only in their printed form. In a Pew study of the local news environments in three markedly different U.S. metropolitan areas, nearly or about half of readers of the local daily paper in Denver (46%), Macon, Ga. (48%), and Sioux City, Iowa (53%) did not access the paper online.
Like President Trump, many print newspaper readers tend to be news enthusiasts. The research states that these readers are more likely to often watch local TV news —which know President Trump does too—than those newspaper readers who access the paper online instead of or in addition to the print edition.
When it comes to print and age of those consuming it, the President is typical of his age group. According to the Pew Research study, print-only readers in the three cities studied are certainly older than their counterparts who access the paper online – in their mid-50s, compared with online newspaper readers, who were generally in their early to mid-40s .
I am curious to see how much of the President’s news consumption takes place on his smartphone.
Whatever platform he uses, it is obvious that, at least when it comes to publishing Tweets, the SEND button is always quite close to him.
Nov. 12
Keynote presentation: Business Information & Media Summit (BIMS).
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The newspaper remains the most powerful source of storytelling on the planet. But technology threatens its very existence. To survive, the Editor must transform, adapt, and manage the newsroom in a new way. Find out how, pre-orderThe Story by Mario Garcia, chief strategist for the redesign of over 700 newspapers around the world.
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I am happy to announce that we will, indeed, have a print edition of my mobile storytelling book, The Story. I thank you for expressing your interest to our publisher, Thane Boulton, of Thane & Prose. Now the print edition will be a reality, and you can already see the cover and back cover here:
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