The Mario Blog

02.04.2021—3am    Post #18114
A young American poet and her message of hope!

When a journalism student recently interviewed me about all things “visual journalism” , she made me think about a visual that impacted me recently.

The student interviews: I am honored that so many journalism students around the globe come to me with questions, searching for advice and, often with a request I seldom turn down: Can I interview you?

Visual journalists: So was the case this week when a student from the University of Oregon wanted to chat with me about visual journalism. One of her questions made me think:

During the inauguration of Joe Biden, was there a visual that stuck out to you? How would you interpret that shot? Was that intentional?

Photo: Shutterstock

Here is my answer:

During the Inauguration, the best visual is the one that wasn’t: the absence of former President Trump to pass on the presidency through a peaceful and civilized transfer of power.  Aside from that, the visual for me was the presence of Amanda Gorman, the poet who read her poem. She was dressed in yellow, full of light and youth, the promise of the America that can be.  Images of her reading the poem captivated the nation.  Many newspaper websites and front pages had her image there because she gave everyone hope, made everyone proud. Simple image. Powerful message.

Here is Amanda Gorman, at 22, the youngest inaugural poet in U.S. history ,who read “The Hill We Climb,” which she finished after the riot at the Capitol.

Highlight from her poem:

And yet the dawn is ours

before we knew it

Somehow we do it

Somehow we’ve weathered and witnessed

a nation that isn’t broken

but simply unfinished

The power of red

Those The Economist covers always please: What powerful visual statements almost every week in this global business magazine. This one just out drapes the page with powerful red, a color that makes us stop (it is no secret why stop signs are red everywhere in the planet!). The presence of yellow, another show stopper color, as an accessory proves effective as well. Beyond the color choice, this cover is effective in its simplicity and elegance.

The First Couple Interview

There they are: It did not take long for People Magazine to get an interview of the new residents of the White House, President Joe Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden. They grace the cover of this week’s People.

Professors: get your review version of The Story on time for fall classes

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The Mario Blog