The Mario Blog

05.12.2009—4am    Post #611
Those smartphones and newspapers: great potential exists

TAKEAWAY: With the iPhone leading the way, smartphones use and influence are increasing fast. Newspapers see the tremendous possibilities that the smartphones offer and are quick to get smart and focus on apps that can help them get their information to this new medium.

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USA Today and iPhone: perfect fit for the newspaper for people on the go and their smartphone readily handy at all times

Right now, iPhone’s App Store is one of the most used outlets to download applications from newspapers, allowing users to read on the phone itself. However, other choices are quickly coming to the upfront. One of the most important is Google’s Android Market, but Nokia and Microsoft have announced opening of the Ovi Store and Windows Marketplace for Mobile.

What does this mean to newspapers?

1. A newspaper can target a specific audience group. Sometimes, groups of users who are difficult to catch for the traditional print product, are already making use of iPhone or other mobile phones. Great marketing possibility to get the newspaper’s brand out front.

2. Deciide if you wish to develop an application for one especially targeted group. In Germany, the popular Bild Zeitung has an appication for the iPhone devoted to the German football league.

3. Decide on how the content will be accessed—-free or paid for? The

IFRA Magazine ( April 2009) reveals that mobile phone users, and especially smartphone users, are willing to pay for it.

4. Will there be advertising or sponsors?

How others do it

USA Today: launched its free application in December 2008 and its application is currently one of the most popular on the iPhone App Store.

The application allows readers to access the daily’s printed content in all of its well known sections: News, Business, Sports, Life.

For USA Today, these applications are a perfect fit. The newspaper started in 1985 as a daily newspaper for people on the go, travelers, busy people. Right now, those on the go keep their mobile phones handy and prefer to get all of their information there.

Importatnt point: most of USA Today’s mobile applications are ad supported.

Straits Times of Singapore: the application is a big hit with users. Their iPhone experience has been so successful that they are already developing a similar application with Google’s Android operating system.

London’s The Telegraph—this popular British daily has opted for the Android system.

In this case, the application is not just a 100% transfer of the newspaper’s content to the mobile telephone. Instead, there is a whole new sector developed around News from Around the United States. The Telegraph’s editors don’t ruile out opting to appear on other mobile phone applications in the future, and assert that many good advertising possibilities are present with smartphones, waiting to be explored.

For more information:

The IFRA Magazine devoted its cover story in the April 2009 edition to The Smartphone Revolution: Native applications ignite the mobile publishing charge

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