The Mario Blog

02.16.2021—2am    Post #18364
The marketing of your favorite titles

Yes, you are right. I have a fascination with how media titles promote themselves on Twitter and other social media.

If there is one part of social media I treasure is to sample how newspapers , magazines and other newds outlets promote their subscriptions.

The prices are a bargain (for the initial subscription), the selling message is usually short, and the promise is always “content that you can’t do without”.

Here are some that caught my eye the last day or so.

Which one did it best?

The Washington Post capitalizes on the patriotism that may be inherent in Presidents” Day. At one year for $29, it is a real bargain, especially for the quality of the content and the efficiency of its digital offerings.

The New York Times true statement Journalism for every part of life, since, as a subscriber, I can attest to the fact that the Times helps me understand the world, provides life streaming of major events (think impeachment x 2), and helps me with my bread or muffins recipe. Interesting: no subscription price offered in the ad.

CNN Politics: Promoting special programming.

HBOMax: This is not necessarily a promotion of a news outlet, but I admire how the movie poster has migrated to social media. Effective use of type and color, attracting eyeballs to this Max original.

Daily Camera: This is the most colorful promotional ad yet from the Daily Camera (great name for a newspaper!), in Boulder, Colorado.

The efficiency of these ads must be quite high, since I see more of them as I scan through Twitter everyday. A new way of putting a product in front of an audience. The concept uses a mini poster with little text to make a point. It works.

Professors: get your review version of The Story on time for fall classes

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The Mario Blog