The Mario Blog

07.13.2017—1am    Post #4225
The Donald Jr. Russian story: It’s somewhere on that front page

Editors of newspapers everywhere, from small towns to metropolitan areas in the US, and in many countries across the globe, found the story of Donald Trump Jr’s meeting with a Russian lawyer who purported to have “dirt” about Hillary Clinton too irresistible to keep out of the front page. Take a look

Just as I had posted this blog, I saw the latest cover of TIME Magazine, with Donald Trump Jr as the lead story of the week.





He got an email suggesting that he meet with someone who would offer dirt on presidential candidate Hillary Clinton..

He “loved it”.

He went to a meeting with a Kremlin lawyer.

The New York Times found out all about that meeting, and then Donald Trump Jr. released a bunch of emails pertaining to that meeting when he found out the Times was preparing a second story on the subject.


The news has dominated all channels and platforms since it broke, and I don’t anticipate it is going to disappear anytime soon.

I was curious to see how the front pages of printed newspapers in the United States handled it.


Look for that headline on the front page

Some editors played it as the lead story.


Others had it high on the front page but as a one-column item.




There were those that squeezed it somewhere at the bottom of the page.

The teasers

There were those that simply “teased” to the story. All of these were international newspapers.

The portraits

For some, a sizable portrait of Donald Jr. was the way to attract attention to the story.



The creative headlines.



The global newspapers

Newspapers around the world carried the story on Page One as well. Here are a few.



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