The Mario Blog

03.03.2021—3pm    Post #18588
Tabloid front pages that sparkle with impact, elegance

Nice to see the care and attention that these titles display on their 1As

I have discovered the following pages in Best Newspaper Front Page, and I think you will enjoy the variety shown there.

The term tabloid is usually associated with down market, loud and colorful newspapers. Of course, that is still the case for many titles. However, the small format can be used wisely and elegantly and I think we see that in these examples:

La Nacion, Argentina

Precise grid: This is a classic 5-column grid configuration which is adhered to precisely, lending organization and elegance to this front page of one of Argentina’s most classic and respected newspapers.

Hospodarske Noviny, Czech Republic

Color palette: Interesting use of muted colors for this financial newspaper of Czech Republic.

Kleine Zeitung, Austria

Crowd pleaser: This is the Kleine Zeitung, a newspaper that I am honored to have worked with years ago. The poster front page lives well here. Elegant, modular, easy to use. Visual impact everyday.

Le Journal de Montreal, Canada

Tabloidy with impact: Here we have a front page that comes closer to how we envision tabloid front pages, according to the traditional definition. Yet, this is what I call systematic chaos. It does not offend.

The Japan Times, Japan

Full poster page: From The Japan Times, a real good Sunday front page, inviting and with effective use of type for cover story.

Go here to see more:

Barber shop in the park

This was a first for me. I either run or walk on Central Park in NY daily, but today I saw this scene of someone getting his haircut there. Barber with a suitcase ready to go!

Inquire about our mobile storytelling workshops!

Every week I bring my mobile storytelling workshop to a different newsroom around the world. I begin with a 90-minute presentation about the essentials of crafting/editing/designing stories for mobile consumption. Then I break the participants into groups and for two hours they produce a mobile story which they then present to the entire group for evaluation. It works all the time.

Another type of Garcia Media program is when we sign up for mobile storytelling coaching after completion of the first workshop. Once a week, or as planned, I work virtually with a team of reporters, editors, designers on actual stories that will be published as linear mobile stories. Let me know if you are interested in more information:

Professors: get your review version of The Story on time for fall classes

As an academic, I know the importance of having the right tools to advance our students, especially on the important subject of mobile storytelling. Please drop me an email if you would like to sample The Story in its digital edition:

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The full trilogy of The Story now available–3 books to guide you through a mobile first strategy. Whether you’re a reporter, editor, designer, publisher, corporate communicator, The Story is for you! https://amazon

TheMarioBlog post # 3285

The Mario Blog