The Mario Blog

03.01.2016—3am    Post #2377
Some smartphone news types still use TV, print

Those who follow the news do so across platforms, including such legacy ones as television and print, in addition to their favorite smartphones.

It is another useful survey from the Donald W Reynolds Journalism Institute at the University of Missouri: this time we get reaffirmation about how those news junkies consume news, and further evidence of the importance of social media.

Highlights of the study by Roger Fiddler:

—About 72 percent of U.S. adults who owned smartphones said they got news and information frequently or very frequently from at least one traditional media source — television news or printed newspapers.

—Local television news was the most popular “old” media source with 55 percent of smartphone owners overall saying they frequently or very frequently used this medium for news and information in the past seven days. 

Definitely, not much of a surprise here as I find myself doing the same, especially as I follow the Election 2016 coverage, mostly on NBC and CNN.

—Also not surprising to know that nearly half (49 percent) overall said they had frequently or very frequently interacted with social media networks on their smartphones and about one-quarter (24 percent) overall said they had shared news stories using social media networks.

For more details of the study, go here:

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