TAKEAWAY: Especially right after the launch of a new design, nothing is more important than daily post mortems to review an entire edition, tweaking as you go along. This Pure Design segment tells you all about it.
Right after the launch of a new look for your newspaper, magazine or website, comes the important task of reviewing how it works in reality.
We all know that prototypes are “laboratory” exercises, not done in real time, which may or may not tell us about the reality of pushing a design through under deadline pressure.
This is why those daily “tweaking” meetings once the design is launched become so important.
Jacky belongs to Frank Deville. The Luxembourg-based pooch is an “avid reader” of the German newspaper, Bild Am Sonntag. Every Sunday Jacky picks stories and interesting graphics in Bild Am Sonntag , the German newspaper.
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TheMarioBlog post #391