The Mario Blog

09.12.2013—4am    Post #1763
Wanted: Unicorns in the (newsroom) garden

TAKEAWAY: A new program at Columbia University will teach computer concepts to journalism students. It’s about time.

TAKEAWAY: A new program at Columbia University will teach computer concepts to journalism students. It’s about time.

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In the theater they call them triple threats: actors who act, sing and dance. Think Hugh Jackman, for a contemporary example.

In journalism, the new term, used to indicate their extreme rarity, is “unicorns”: storytellers who understand technology.

Now, these future “unicorns” can get proper training in a new program at Columbia University.

Columbia is now launching what may be the first program of its kind in the world: a post-baccalaureate program designed to teach students computer science concepts in the context of journalistic practice — before they enroll in further graduate training.

I am constantly recommending to my clients that any discussion of a current project to advance the publication must include representatives from the four important areas: storytelling, technology, advertising/marketing, design.

So I am delighted to read about this new Columbia University effort where that important junction of storytelling and technology will find a forum for discussion, implementation and research.

WAN IFRA: 6th Tablet & App Summit

October 7-8, Berlin

I am honored to be part of this program in which I will conduct about four different presentations dealing with storytelling across platforms, tablet edition design, the media quartet and the importance of design in today’s multi platform world.

There are still some places left for those wishing to attend the WAN IFRA 6th Tablet & App Summit.

Overview of the event:

Program overview:

Mario Garcia’s presentation:

TheMarioBlog post #1334
The Mario Blog