The Mario Blog

07.24.2013—3am    Post #1725
Long reads and the tablet

TAKEAWAY: If you have the time, we’ve got the long read for you, seems to be the theme of this new app by Byliner—but is it all about “long reading”, or could this also be a greater multi media experience?

TAKEAWAY: If you have the time, we’ve got the long read for you, seems to be the theme of this new app by Byliner—but is it all about “long reading”, or could this also be a greater multi media experience?

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So we know that the tablet and long form journalism a great combo make.

And we know that the longer the article you plan to read, the more lean back the whole affair becomes, as in take off your shoes, lie on the couch, and maybe tune in to your favorite music for background. Perhaps even the TV is turned on.

Now there is an app that allows you to tell it how much time you have to read, and it recommends just the piece that will accommodate your reading time agenda. The app comes via that long-form journalism site, Byliner, and it will be part of the company’s $9.99 subscription product, Byliner Plus.

So far, and based on what I read in this piece, the long reads are basically just that: a long reading experience. In fact, I sent a tweet message to Byliner asking if there are plans to elevate long form journalism to its full potential in the tablet, along with more than just words, and also audio, video and engaging experiences.

“Our focus is words at the time being. Hope you join us!,” was the response.

In the future, however, I can also imagine that we will probably see, within the long form storytelling genre, a variety of options: there may be those who simply want to read a traditional long piece, delighting in the use of the language, while others may wish to have a more all inclusive experience as in a multi media experience.

Byliner Plus and others which will follow should provide both. Something for publishers to think about, without limiting themselves or their options.

Our previous blog posts on long form journalism

Long form journalism finds perfect home in the iPad

Tablets: that lean back couch experience

Evenings, the iPad and the lean back connection

Bring back that old new journalism for the lean back world of print

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Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine

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WAN-IFRA The Tablet & App Summit, Berlin, Oct. 7-8

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It’s the WAN IFRA The Tablet & App Summit in Berlin, Oct.7- 8 and I will be in charge of moderating this program that will bring together leading publishers, head of mobile and development and senior newspaper executives to discuss how to best offer mobile services and products within an increasing complexity in news consumption.

Among the speakers confirmed for this Summit:

Guy Crevier, La Presse+, Canada—

How to optimize the user experience and keep advertisers happy in the competitive digital ecosystem

Thomas Schultz-Homberg, Head of Electronic Media,  FAZ -(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung); Çagri Türkkorur, Digital Media Director, Dogan Gazetecilik; Dr. Assaf Avrahami, CEO, Yedioth IT; Anna Matteo, Director of Digital Area for Gruppo24ORE

Jeff Moriarty, Boston Globe (US) and Garrett Goodman, Worldcrunch

How to extend your newspapers´experience: Adaptive vs responsive design Q&A session

Audra Martin, Vice President, Advertising and Operations, Economist Digital

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Fred Hurkmans, Director Commercial & Marketing, Le Soir (Belgium)

Neil Johnson, Managing Director A&N Media, Mobile and TV, UK

Notes to consider when launching a new product: Daily Mail+, the DMG latest product

Note: Some of the speakers above still to be confirmed

For more information and to register for the Summit, go here:

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