The Mario Blog

01.15.2010—11am    Post #822
One word headline, one powerful photo

TAKEAWAY: The Tuesday earthquake that has devastated Haiti, the poorest country in the Americas, continues to be the number one news item worldwide. It is one of those events where one word, one photograph is all that’s needed to convey the magnitude of the news. GOOD NEWS: Editor & Publisher says hello again!

TAKEAWAY: The Tuesday earthquake that has devastated Haiti, the poorest country in the Americas, continues to be the number one news item worldwide. It is one of those events where one word, one photograph is all that’s needed to convey the magnitude of the news. GOOD NEWS: Editor & Publisher says hello again!

Making donations to Haiti relief effort

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Poster by Philip Brooker

Former Miami Herald artist Philip Brooker, who has created this poster to raise awareness and money to help the victims of the devastating earthquake in Haiti. For donations:

Visual impact made easy

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Spain’s Publico

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Denmark’s Politiken

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Puerto Rico’s Primera Hora

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Canada’s Calgary Sun

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South Africa’s The Times

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Belgium”s Het Nieusblad

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Puerto Rico’s El Nuevo Dia

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USA’s Bakersfield Californian

The photographs emerging from the ruins that is Haiti are so powerful, delivering such emotional punch, that one can’t help but to feel innundated with sadness for the people of Haiti and what the new year has brought upon them.

It is one of those news events where a single word headline accompanying a well chosen photograph is all that is needed to convey the horror.

I have chosen front pages from newspapers that excel in the use of the one-word headline for their front page.

Although I have tried to get a pdf of a Haitian newspaper, I have not been able to do so. Perhaps they are not even publishing, but if anyone has access to a Haitian newspaper, please do send me a pdf.

Editor & Publisher comes back

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If you grew up with journalism in the United States, E&P was one of the essential tools of the trade. From the time I enrolled in my first Journalism 101 class, the professor assigned us to read the weekly magazine of the industry. Through the years, as a professional, I continued to read E&P often, and, as an academic teaching at Syracuse University, it was a source of information to keep abreast of changes in our industry,as well as to get a feel for journalism teaching jobs across the country.I have also contributed articles to E&P and have been interviewed by its journalists, including Mark Fitzgerald, who has been named new editor.

So I am quite happy to see that the 126-year-old E&P is back two weeks after it was closed. New owner is Duncan McIntosh (Duncan McIntosh Co. Inc., the Irvine, Calif.-based magazine and newspaper publisher),
who said he knew immediately when Nielsen announced in December the closing of E&P that he wanted to keep the magazine and its digital newsgathering properties going.

Good thing, Duncan. The industry needs E&P more than ever as we go through a period of transition and huge challenges.

TheMarioBlog post #452

The Mario Blog