The Mario Blog

10.06.2020—1am    Post #17758
It’s good to be back to “in-person” workshops

After a 7-month Covid-19 grounding, I am in Germany conducting business with my clients.

It is not business as usual, of course.

From the moment I boarded flight Lufthansa 401 at JFK in New York, surrounded by empty security areas, an airline lounge that could only serve water and OREO cookies, and duty free shops where the sales people dusted display counters with no customers in sight, I knew that this would not be a normal business trip. Then an empty cabin on the flight, and arriving in Frankfurt to another empty airport and yet another Covid19 test. Negative, thank God.

However, it feels good to be back in action, working with colleagues by my side (all masked and keeping social distance), sharing ideas while looking into other people’s eyes and not via ZOOM. Indeed, Zoom can be very effective and it helped us move forward in the height of the Covid19 pandemic. But there is no match for conducting business in person, sharing lunch with the colleagues while continuing the discussion.

As a result, I am delighted to start this trip that makes me return to in person workshops here in Dusseldorf for my client, Handelsblatt, the financial daily of Germany. We move mobile storytelling forward!

Let’s hope that this is the start of some return to normalcy, but, in the era of Covid19, one never knows what the next day brings. One day at a time was never a truer mantra to embrace!

Mario’s speaking engagements

Association Media & Publishing

October 22

Keynote: Mobile Storytelling

Middle East Conference.

Nov. 3

Keynote: How we tell stories in the mobile age


Rodman Media

November 19 (virtual)

Newsroom Mobile Storytelling Training

Professors: get your review version of The Story on time for fall classes

As an academic, I know the importance of having the right tools to advance our students, especially on the important subject of mobile storytelling. Please drop me an email if you would like to sample The Story in its digital edition:

The full trilogy of The Story now available–3 books to guide you through a mobile first strategy. Whether you’re a reporter, editor, designer, publisher, corporate communicator, The Story is for you! https://amazon

TheMarioBlog post # 3258

The Mario Blog