While this is was a UK conference of the Westminster Media Forum (November 12), the findings and discussions resonated with me as I see patterns that are quite universal.
For example, speakers at this conference emphasized findings of this year’s Digital News Report by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (RISJ), and these themes stood out for me:
I particularly have given plenty of thought to a statement from Nic Newman, senior research associate, RISJ , who said that 50 per cent of UK audiences are consuming news through ‘a side door’ – be that search, social media, mobile alerts, news aggregators and emails.
Not just UK audiences, I may add. That side door never closes and it is most inviting into the small screen of those smartphones, which is the reason I emphasize mobile storytelling like a man on a mission.
All of this is what I describe in detail in my new book, The Story. Particularly in Book 2 (Storytelling) and Book 3 (Design), I offer the strategy and the necessary tips to emphasize the importance of thet side door and to capitalize on its potential to attract and to retain audiences.
Mario García
Editorial consultant Mario García has advised the most important newsrooms in the world on design – and how best adapt to a digital transition. More than 700 publications, from The Wall Street Journal to the South China Morning Post, have received his strategic steer. Other than being an adjunct professor at Columbia University’s School of Journalism, he also runs his own consultancy firm: García Media. Nowadays his speciality is how digital devices influence narrative structure and consumption; his latest book, The Story, was written specifically to be read on a phone. Here, though, he confesses to a few analogue pleasures.
You can now download my new mobile storytelling book, The Story, from Apple Books at $6.99
This is Book 1 of a Trilogy! The other two books coming soon.
The newspaper remains the most powerful source of storytelling on the planet. But technology threatens its very existence. To survive, the Editor must transform, adapt, and manage the newsroom in a new way. Order The Story by Mario Garcia, chief strategist for the redesign of over 700 newspapers around the world.
Listen to my chat in Monocle Radio’s The Stack: Latest episode‘The Face’ and ‘The Story’:We welcome the return of the print version of ‘The Face’ and talk to legendary newspaper designer Mario Garcia about his latest book, ‘The Story’.
I was a guest in the program Encuentro, hosted by Guillermo Arduino daily at CNN en Español. The interview was about how we read on mobile devices and my introduction of my new mobile storytelling book, The Story, to a Spanish-language audience.
November 20, 2019
Presentation of The Story in Zurich, Switzerland, at launch party (by invitattion only). Sponsored by Monocle The Stack.
March 13, 2020
Keynote presentation at the National Media College Association Spring Convention, New York City, NY>
You can order the print edition of my new mobile storytelling book, The Story, from Amazon already here:
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