From time to time you run into a marketing campaign for a newspaper that deviates from the usual. While participating as a judge for a digital contest recently, I was happily surprised with this effective campaign for the Swedish financial daily,Omni Ekonomi.
I like the way the marketing campaign emphasizes that Omni Ekonomi’s goal is to simplify complicated financial news. These examples from the campaign make it quite clear–an example of complicated version of the story, and Omni Ekonomi’s simplified way of stating the same via push notifications. Works well.
Apparently the users of this news app agreed. In 10 weeks the new business news app Omni Ekonomi has attracted 150 000 Swedes who have
already downloaded it. It now has almost 100 000 unique users each week, as well as more than 2 million page views per week.
The campaign ran for two weeks on big boards in the Stockholm underground, on digital outdoors advertising boards and with digital ads in social and digital media.
The campaign, developed as a collaboration between Omni Ekonomi’s editors and the advertising agency Garbergs, focused on illustrating how the newspaper aims to provide concise financial information in a fast and concise manner. In my view, this was achieved.
As I start a two-week trip through Europe, I plan to report for TheMarioBlog from Germany, Denmark and Spain in the days ahead. Be on the lookout for my observations!
April 18-19, 2018-–Newscamp ,Augsburg, Germany.
June 3-6, 2018—The Seminar, San Antonio, Texas.
June 7-8—WAN-IFRA World Congress, Lisbon, Portugal