The Mario Blog

06.13.2018—12am    Post #7779
In Portugal many newspapers fight for attention

While in Lisbon a few days ago to speak at the WAN IFRA World Congress 2018, I had a chance to stop and take a look at the variety of daily newspapers available.

The Portuguese definitely have a variety of options when it comes to their newspapers.

I was in Lisbon to speak at the WAN IFRA World Congress 2018, a program that attracted publishers, editors, designers and technical types from around the globe.  While taking a walk early Saturday morning, I spotted all these newspapers.

The variety includes the down market titles with big headlines and bright colors, as well as the classic look newspapers, or, in the case of the newspaper “I”, a design that is contemporary and elegant. Also financial  abd sports newspapers.

The popular and sports press

Take a look at the variety here:


The classic look


The contemporary look


The business papers




Mario’s Speaking Engagements

June 12-14, CUE Days , Aarhus, Denmark


August 2, Digital House (Facebook workshop), Buenos Aires

October 6, 20, 27–King’s College, New York City

The Basics of Visual Journalism seminars


Garcia Media: Over 25 years at your service

TheMarioBlog post #2859







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