The Mario Blog

06.13.2017—12am    Post #3925
How US front pages displayed the Comey story

When fired FBI Director James Comey testified before a Congressional Committee and called President Trump liar at least five times, the front pages reacted with big and bold headlines.

Yesterday, our blog was devoted to the subject of political stories and how to present them more visually.

As I have been abroad during the past few days, I covered how newspapers in Spain, Germany and Switzerland have covered two important recent news with political overtones: the testimony of fired FBI director James Comey before a congressional committee, and, from a few days earlier, the stunning news that President Trump was pulling the US out of the Paris Accord on climate control.

Here is how some US newspapers carried the news of Comey and his unloading of information about his meetings with President Trump. His hearing kept millions of Americans connected to their TV sets, phones and laptops.

The morning after, they woke up to front pages that carried big headlines, often in capital letters and with the use LIAR repeated by many of the newspapers.

Take a look!


The tabloids

The  broadsheets

The Guardian to go tabloid

The Guardian will abandon its Berliner format to go to the smaller and more square tabloid format. Will be interesting to see how the design adapts.  In my view the Berliner offers a much better canvas for stories and images, but, business is business, as as The Guardian outsources printing to Trinity Mirror . Sources said that The Guardian will be redesigned to fit smaller tabloid pages.



Speaking Engagements Coming Up

SIPConnect 2017, to be held in Miami June 21-23, is a program of the Inter American Press Association, IAPA, or SIP (Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa).  The venue will be the Hilton Miami Downtown Hotel.


Join us at the SIPConnect Hemispheric Conference 2017. Organized by the IAPA, SIPConnect is a gathering of media and digital businesses to encourage more audiences and higher revenues. It’s a laboratory for new ideas and successful experiences for the digital transformation. As in the 2016 successful meeting that was attended by media from the US, Latin America and the Caribbean, experts in digital businesses and representatives of innovative companies will participate in this event.

For more information

 TheMarioBlog post #2648



The Mario Blog