The Mario Blog

06.05.2019—1am    Post #12690
Hard news and advertising: a good combo

Advertisers always like to be closer to hard news. A new research proves the point.

Interesting for me to read this new research from Britain’s Newsworks with Neuro-Insight which shows that ads that appear in hard news sections are more likely to elicit higher perks in the memory encoding and emotional intensity than ads in soft news stories.

Why am I not surprised?

For years, I have always heard editors tell me that all the advertisers want the ads placed in the newsy section of the newspaper, which is usually the first section. In fact, I was always surprised to hear that a majority of advertisers do not want their ads in the sport section, or lifestyle even. Go figure.

The big takeaway from this story is that hard news stories can create high engagement and memory encoding for advertisers.

Results show that the average dwell time is 1.4 times higher for advertising in hard news stories, which creates potential for brands to capitalize on the increased attention of readers.

Mario’s speaking engagements

Mario addressing the INMA 19 Congress in New York City May 15, 2019.

Here are places where I will be taking the message of mobile storytelling in the weeks ahead:

June 12, NEC Media City, Bergen, Norway, Storytelling workshop for Editors

June 13, Fortellingens kraft 2019, Bergen, Norway, Long form Mobile Storytelling for Writers

July 11, Florida Media Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, Keynote for editors: The mobile first newspaper strategy.

Mario’s weekend rituals…..

Monocle interviews me about what I do on a typical weekend (is there such a thing? Not for someone like me who is seldom in the same location twice. But I gave it my best shot, for what may come as a normal weekend, when I am home in New York! Enjoy.

Pre-order The Story

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The newspaper remains the most powerful source of storytelling on the planet. But technology threatens its very existence. To survive, the Editor must transform, adapt, and manage the newsroom in a new way. Find out how, pre-orderThe Story by Mario Garcia, chief strategist for the redesign of over 700 newspapers around the world.

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An interview of interest

TheMarioBlog post #3066

The Mario Blog