The Mario Blog

04.06.2018—1am    Post #6791
Good ol’ email generates audience growth

This is the weekend edition of TheMarioBlog and will be updated as needed. The next blog post is Monday, April 9. Next week reporting from Berlin!     It is something I encourage all my clients to do: engage with your audience via email.  We all read email. There is something direct and personal with […]

This is the weekend edition of TheMarioBlog and will be updated as needed. The next blog post is Monday, April 9.

Next week reporting from Berlin!



It is something I encourage all my clients to do: engage with your audience via email.  We all read email. There is something direct and personal with emails, especially if they are properly crafted and emphasize messages that acquaint the audience with our products and encourage readers to seek the content we provide.

A recent piece on the subject merits attention.  Here are a couple of highlights:

1. Using email to build audiences and generate revenue is as much an editorial practice as a technological and financial one.

  • Email is, above all, about creating and maintaining a relationship with your readers that is rooted in your editorial voice and supported by the strength of your journalism.
  • Editorial engagement is part and parcel of creating effective email newsletters and campaigns, and is bolstered by a general orientation in the newsroom (and on your leadership teams) to the importance of building relationships with audiences.

2. Email is one of the best tactics to use now to capture and retain the attention of readers. Better still, it isn’t a tech platform over which you have no control. In order to optimize email, you’ll need to:

  • Make email acquisition — and source tracking — a priority, and orient your org chart, web design, and partner strategy around this priority. This will require willingness to experiment, patience, and analysis of your performance.

  • In your email copy, use a distinct voice that is personal in tone (while being true to your core values as a publication) with a specific user persona in mind.

  • Offer your users different newsletter options in both content and frequency.

  • Build the relationship with your email readers. Start with a welcome series, thank them for reading often, give them a look behind the scenes, be opportunistic, and recommend that they join other email lists from your site. Tell them when you’ve done something worthy of note, like winning an award.

  • Maintain a healthy email list and monitor its performance (see the Shorenstein Center’s research guide on using data science tools for email audience analysis).


  • Mario’s Speaking Engagements

    April 18-19, 2018-Newscamp ,Augsburg,  Germany.




    June 3-6, 2018The Seminar, San Antonio, Texas.




    June 7-8WAN-IFRA World Congress, Lisbon, Portugal



    October 6, 20, 27–King’s College, New York City

    The Basics of Visual Journalism seminars

    December 6, El Pais Conference, Montevideo, Uruguay

    A series of conferences and seminars for El Pais journalists, invited professionals and communications students: The future of journalism.


    Garcia Media: Over 25 years at your service

    TheMarioBlog post #2811

The Mario Blog