I always admire Raju Narisetti’s thinking when it comes to stating his take about the media today succinctly while provoking us to give his ideas further thought.
I know this first hand, having had the honor of working with Raju at The Wall Street Journal , The Washington Post, and, particularly, in the creation of Mint, the Indian financial daily that was Raju’s baby from the start. While he crafted manifestos for how Mint would present financial news, and how it would make money in the process, he always kept a close eye on what the designers and I were creating for the look of this, the first Berliner format daily newspaper in India.
Today, as News Corp’s head of global strategy, Raju continues to illuminate the rest of us with his insights. He is a regular guest speaker for my students at Columbia University each Spring Semester, and now I am delighted to know that we will both be speakers in Sydney, Australia, in September for the annual Newspaper Works’ Future Forum. I am planning to learn more from my friend Raju.
In anticipation of that event, Raju was interviewed and one of the most fascinating statements was about who and what inspires him these days.
In a new era of information and creation, newsrooms and news brands need to adapt by acting as gate-openers rather than gate-keepers, Raju said, adding that, for inspiration he looks at different big names in the industry. He admires Facebook for successfully conquering mobile, Twitter for its ownership over breaking news, and The New York Times for leading the charge on metro newspaper paywalls, just to name a few.
It is a list of inspirational “textbooks” that I not only follow daily, but also require that my Columbia students study as well.
I would add Quartz, for its approach to the organization of content and for its superb headline, and The Washington Post, where I also worked with Raju when he was Managing Editor there,and which shines in the area of multi platform design and storytelling.
Case studies of Mint and Lounge
Online edition: About livemint.com
Quartz: a new website that should be a model
Quartz: lessons that go beyond editorial
Quartz: a string of obsessions