The Mario Blog

11.28.2018—12am    Post #9853
Digital storytelling and corporate communications

It’s a fact that we all hold a phone in our hand almost every waking hour. Newsrooms around the globe seize the moment while journalists learn more about the journalism of everywhereness that results. Corporate communication types are also hearing the call. Today I am with the Walmart team.

Everything is Walmart related in quaint Bentonville, Arkansas, headquarters of the large retail brand, and where I spend the next two days.

This is my second visit  here, as I conducted a digital storytelling workshop for the communications team a few weeks ago.  Today we expand on that, but I am happy that already the results of that first workshop are obvious.  Most recently, the team displayed their newly-acquired skills as they conceptualized and wrote this story about romaine lettuce.

The story is told entirely in a linear format, with the narrative and the visual assets flowing naturally.

Take a look:

In wake of romaine e-coli, Walmart deploys blockchain to track leafy greens

Corporate communication directors are keenly aware that they need to communicate both internally and externally with their audience.  It is the phone that is the platform of choice. So I have been doing a series of digital storytelling workshops for corporations globally and sense that they have the same needs as editors in newspaper and magazine newsrooms.

My corporate communications workshops emphasize the following:

The shift to mobile.

Digital linear storytelling for corporate communications.

Tempo & Cadence of Linear storytelling.

The mobile first approach from conceptualizing to writing and designing, with emphasis on the three essentials of corporate communications: Inform, Persuade, Sell.

In addition, I deal with the storytelling process for product launch, crisis and brand loyalty.

Selling stories to the Media: linear stories do better when you pitch them!

Workshop: Fixing that story.

Usually I start with a one or two day workshop to create awareness, then we proceed with a specific series of workshops and/or project depending on needs.

Meanwhile, today at Walmart we kick off an interesting project to emphasize a mobile first approach.

TheMarioBlog post #2960

The Mario Blog