The Mario Blog

05.09.2019—1am    Post #12392
At The Washington Post: great storytelling via VR

Twelve Seconds of Gunfire: Here is a story that explores the ultimate storytelling strategies, and is now a film shown at the Tribeca festival.

The topic is a sensitive one: the story of a a 6-year-old who lost her best friend in a school shooting. It’s cutting-edge storytelling, but it’s based on thorough and sensitive reporting by @JohnWoodrowCox

Greg Manifold, design director at The Washington Post, calls my attention to the fact that this animated story has premiered in VR last week at the Tribeca Film Festival. 

We were looking for the chance to experiment as well as find a topic that worked in the format and would remain consistently relevant. The author and editor were willing to take a risk and give it a shot. In the end, it’s a great collaboration. Credit deserves to go to Suzette, Seth, John Woodrow Cox, Wesley Allsbrook (animator/illustrator), Ted Muldoon (audio) and a bunch of other folks.

This is the type of storytelling experimentation that we are likely to see more of in the future, a way to expand a reporter’s journalistic repertoire and bring greater engagement to the audience. I am delighted that I will be participating in a seminar in Bergen, Norway, Long form Mobile Storytelling for Writers,June 13, devoted entirely to this type of storytelling, and attended primarily by writers.

Take a look at the original story here:

Image courtesy of The Washington Post

Of related interest

Mario’s speaking engagements

Mario (above) doing a keynote presentation at Newscamp 2018 in Augsburg, Germany

Here are places where I will be taking the message of mobile storytelling in the weeks ahead:

May 15 INMA, New York City International News Media Association’s Mobile Storytelling Workshop

May 25, Milan, Italy, EidosMedia Annual Customer Meeting, Keynote: Mobile First Strategies for Publishers

June 12, NEC Media City, Bergen, Norway, Storytelling workshop for Editors

June 13, Fortellingens kraft 2019, Bergen, Norway, Long form Mobile Storytelling for Writers

July 11, Florida Media Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, Keynote for editors: The mobile first newspaper strategy.

Mario’s weekend rituals…..

Monocle interviews me about what I do on a typical weekend (is there such a thing? Not for someone like me who is seldom in the same location twice. But I gave it my best shot, for what may come as a normal weekend, when I am home in New York! Enjoy.

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The newspaper remains the most powerful source of storytelling on the planet. But technology threatens its very existence. To survive, the Editor must transform, adapt, and manage the newsroom in a new way. Find out how, pre-orderThe Story by Mario Garcia, chief strategist for the redesign of over 700 newspapers around the world.

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An interview of interest

TheMarioBlog post #3048

The Mario Blog