The Mario Blog

10.17.2012—8am    Post #1539
40 Years/40 Lessons #25: Teddy Bear.

TAKEAWAY: This is part 24 of my occasional series 40 Years/40 Lessons, which I call a sort of career memoir, capturing highlights and reminiscing about what has been a spectacular journey for me, doing what I love most. Today’s segment: all about the importance of carrying those teddy bears with you. You will need them!

Purchase the book on the iBookstore

“iPad Design Lab” trailer on Vimeo.

The EPUB version of book is HERE:

To all of those who are writing to let us know that you can’t buy iPad Design Lab: Storytelling in the Age of the Tablet, in your countries, or for your tablet or phone, the good news is that we have completed the EPUB version and it is ready for download via for Kindle:

Read the Society of Publication Designers’ review of The iPad Design Lab here:

Read the review from Dr. Pegie Stark Adam in her blog

TAKEAWAY: This is part 24 of my occasional series 40 Years/40 Lessons, which I call a sort of career memoir, capturing highlights and reminiscing about what has been a spectacular journey for me, doing what I love most. Today’s segment: all about the importance of carrying those teddy bears with you. You will need them!

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Illustration by Ana Lense Larrauri/The Miami Herald

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Illustration by Manoj Sinha, Hindustan, Delhi, India; read about Manoj’s talent here—

Recently, at a Society of News Design conference in Cleveland, I was invited to participate in a closing ceremony game in which three of us panelists were up on stage and had two minutes to explain what we considered to be an “essential” item that we never left home without it. It was up to us to choose our own such object.

The audience, of course, designers, editors and students. I thought a lot about what a pivotal story would be for me. After 40 years of a professional career, I did not need to think too hard about this one.

Teddy bears: that is what I carry with me all the time. Not that I actually have any physical teddy bears with me as I travel globally from newsroom to newsroom.
But, if I were to actually pass out teddy bears, i would give out more of those than Santa Claus.

What is a teddy bear, in my definition of the term?

It is a bit of reassurance. It is my way of saying “this is going to be all right at the end”.

The world needs a lot of teddy bears. We all do. Who does not have a doubt or two or three?

In today’s newsrooms, those doubts are multiplied because we are in an industry in transition. Nobody knows what newspapers will be like in 3 years,or 5 years. So, for those involved in the media today, teddy bears are not just important, they are essential.

When a publisher is fearful of putting up paywalls to get revenue for content, the teddy bear is a gentle reminder that if there is good content, people are willing to pay for it.

When an editor wonders if he will have a job two years from now, the teddy bear is a reminder that, of course, he will have a job, but it may require reinventing, rethinking, learning new ways.

When an art director feels less than adequate in the presence of the consultant who has been hired to assist him/her, the teddy bear is a reminder that all is well, that he/she has the talent, but that the consultant has the experience to take the project from here to there.

When a student doubts that he is majoring in the right field, simply because he has received C+ marks in two consecutive projects, the teddy bear is there to remind her that school is a phase for learning, discovering and improving, and should not signal the end of a career dream.

When one of my grandkids wants to learn to play piano instantly, or to master a social studies chapter in 15 minutes prior to a test, the teddy bear is a reminder that nothing is instant, that it takes perseverance.

Teddy bears are great teachers, often without saying one word.

Teddy bears soothe.

Teddy bears remind us of the child in everyone of us.

Teddy bears usually bring a smile on the face of the recipient.

I need teddy bears as much as the next guy. We all do throughout life.

I never leave home without my own, and some that I can pass to those around me.

Behold the teddy bear.

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8. Books

9. Luck

10. Positive.

11. Culture



14. The Pitch.

15.. Ethics.

16. Time.








Of special interest:

Apple’s iPad mini event is happening on October 23rd, and we’ll be there live!—The Verge

The Apple iPad Mini will be Back for your Kids. Discuss—Fast Company

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1st Middle East News Design Conference

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It promises to be a great program, and a historic one, too: the first SND Middle East gathering. Put it on your calendars: November 8 & 9, in Beirut, Lebanon. Sponsored by An-Nahar and SND.

For more information:

TheMarioBlog post #1119


The Mario Blog