As those who read TheMarioBlog know, I just came back home to New York City from Berlin.
And after recharging the batteries, getting laundry done and checking on my NYC apartment, I start Monday doing some individualized coaching for my Columbia students in the Multiplatform Design & Storytelling course, as they prepare to show me the outline of their final project: a multi media story that will be handled in a linear way.
Each student will present me with a pencil sketch of how he/she would combine the narrative with visual assets. In addition, all students will do their final presentation using a template which includes ways to promote their stories via push notifications, Twitter , Snapchat,, etc.
Soon after class I will head out to the JFK Airport to fly to Europe and land in Munich Tuesday. as I prepare to deliver the keynote presentation for Newscamp 2018 in Ausburg. My topic is Digital Ideas for the Future of News Media.
Will be reporting about these events in the days to come. Starting tomorrow: Report from Newscamp 2018.
May all of you have a wonderful week ahead.
April 18-19, 2018-–Newscamp ,Augsburg, Germany.
June 3-6, 2018—The Seminar, San Antonio, Texas.
June 7-8—WAN-IFRA World Congress, Lisbon, Portugal
June 12-14, CUE Days , Aarhus, Denmark
August 2, Digital House (Facebook workshop), Buenos Aires
October 6, 20, 27–King’s College, New York City
The Basics of Visual Journalism seminars
December 6, El Pais Conference, Montevideo, Uruguay
A series of conferences and seminars for El Pais journalists, invited professionals and communications students: The future of journalism.