The Mario Blog

06.11.2018—12am    Post #7765
Why single copy magazine sales present a challenge

Blame it on the availability of magazine content via digital devices, or perhaps on the entertainment that smartphones provide without interruptions, but the bottom line is single copy magazine sales are dropping fast.

Recently in this blog, I advocated for keeping those news kiosks/newsstands where magazine covers compete with each other for the attention of curious readers.  Specifically, I wrote:

“….what a gift for the eyes, to see a vast display of magazines, newspapers and sometimes books clamoring for attention.  Sort of like the Radio City Rockettes, all trying to get noticed, in perfect or imperfect harmony, a mixture of content that would probably never be seen on the same coffee table, that cover of The Economist on a series topic like Gaza and the Israeli conflict, next to title that proclaims that Brad and Jen are ready to have a baby (If you don’t know who Brad and Jen are, chances are that magazine is not on your coffee table). In between, covers that entice you to do spring cleaning in your home, or to plan the ultimate trip to the Maldives.”

Now a piece in Forbes describes the magazine newsstand industry “in distress” , citing a variety of factors that start with the numbers:

A decade ago, more than 20% of circulation for audited magazines came from single-copy sales. Now that number is around 6%, according to the nation’s preeminent newsstand analyst, the consultant Baird Davis.


Why single copy sales are declining?

There are no surprises here, and it is ditto for the reason that newspaper single copy sales are aiming south. I found that these two areas provide us with the best insights as to why single copy magazine sales are declining:

-Consumer behavior

As with newspapers, magazine consumers can get much of the content they find in newsstand magazines online — and they can interact with other like-minded people online as well.

-Mobile devices and social sharing

Blame it on the phone, that artifact that we are obsessed with and that is never too far from our reach, day and night.

Audiences are now used to searching immediately and obtaining a quick synopsis of a story , and they don’t have to walk to the corner newsstand to get it. There is enough headline and visual seduction right on the telephone screen for us to get the information in an effortless manner.

As one of the publishers cited in the Forbes article put it:

“This is impacting millennials most as they are getting a piece of an article through social media and then they have their fill. They are not going to buy a magazine if they feel they have already read the content.

As more of us are glued to our phones, thus less need to stop by the newsstand to browse and/or to buy a single copy of a magazine. The phone provides entertainment, information and portability. Tough for a printed copy of a magazine to beat that.


Downloading your favorite journals before boarding


Several airlines, including the one I fly the most, Lufthansa, already allow passengers to download their favorite magazine and newspaper titles  before departure, adding to the reasons why we might not feel the need to go to the newsstand to load up on magazines before taking off.

For Lufthansa, the journals you download depend on the class of service you are flying:

When you book a Lufthansa operated flight for an individual route you will be eligible for a certain number of free eJournal downloads. Your personal downloads are based on the travel class you have booked and your Miles & More status.


Related information:

Let’s hear it for the press kiosks, newsstands

Big ideas for a Magazine Newsstand Industry in Distress



Mario’s Speaking Engagements

June 12-14, CUE Days , Aarhus, Denmark


August 2, Digital House (Facebook workshop), Buenos Aires

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