The Mario Blog

12.03.2008—10am    Post #417
The Obama victory front pages: a collector’s keepsake

TAKEAWAY: We all know that Nov. 4, 2008 was a historic date as Sen. Barack Obama was elected President of the United States. A book published by The Poynter Institute for Media Studies captures the moment in a collection of 75 front pages from the nation’s newspapers.

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The Obama front pages: historical keepsake

Nov. 4, a historic date, and one of those that we will always remember, down to where we were when it became official that Sen. Barack Obama had just been voted the 44th President of the United States, and the first African American to hold the reins of the most powerful country in the world. Newspapers everywhere printed extra copies of that day’s editions, and, in each case, there were more buyers than copies of the newspapers to go around. In the midst of a bad economy, and just when newspaper circulations continued to decline sharply, this one single event made printed newspapers viable, and this particular day’s edition a keepsake everyone wanted to take home and preserve for future generations.

I know that I collected as many of these front pages as I could put my hands on—-a total of 11! Now, The Poynter Institute for Media Studies has compiled many of the front pages of this historic occasion into a bookAt a moment when readers appreciate the “first draft of history” that journalism provides, Poynter is publishing a book of newspaper front pages that tells the story of this unprecedented election.

Produced in partnership with dozens of U.S. and international newspapers, this exclusive collection of 75 front pages features an introduction by “Doonesbury” creator Garry Trudeau.

Participating papers include: Anchorage Daily News, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune, Detroit Free Press, Rocky Mountain News, St. Petersburg Times, Staten Island Advance, Boston Globe, (Raleigh) News & Observer, Philadelphia Tribune, Times-Picayune, USA Today, college papers, ethnic press, and international publications.

Yale Daily News front page chosen for Obama book

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It is with great pride that we report that the front page of the Yale Daily News for Nov. 5 is among the 75 pages chosen for inclusion in the Obama book mentioned above.
Congratulations to the entire YDN team. We are proud of you.

To order a copy of the book, go here:

New newspaper starts in Galicia, Spain

We are always happy when we announce the birth of a new newspaper. On Dec. 9, in Galicia, northern region of Spain, the new Xornal de Galicia will appear, both as a printed and digital newspaper. It will be written in both Spanish and Galician, the two official languages of the region. With the new publication come 70 new jobs, not to mention about a hundred collaborators and freelancers.

Xornal de Galicia appears as an online and printed newspaper from the start, with Jose Luis Gomez as editor and Maria Martinez Val as co-editor. The digital edition has been published since 1999, when it became the first digital newspaper in Galicia. Now, expands to include a printed edition as well.

For more information, read an interview (in Spanish) with Jose Luis Gomez as published in El Economista.

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To read TheRodrigoFino blog, in Spanish, go:

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In Goteborg, Sweden, where I work with the team from the Goteborgs Posten as we prepare to discuss the “weekend” newspaper the rest of this week.

TheMarioBlog posting #147

The Mario Blog