The Mario Blog

11.11.2008—9am    Post #393
Introducing David Mario Lazaro

TAKEAWAY: Of course, all babies are beautiful, especially to proud grandparents. This one, however, as I told my daughter Elena when I met him today is bound to be special! Remember, you read it in TheMarioBlog first. Yes, call this entry TheAboBlog, and join me in welcoming this cute little fellow, David Mario Lazaro, into the world.

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David Mario Lazaro, born November 10, 2008, in Tampa, Florida, USA; weight: 6 lbs. 14 oz; size: 20 inches long. Parents: Elena and Daniel Lazaro; big sister, Sophia; big brother, Danny. Plus a loving family with tons of uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents and even a greatgrandmother.

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It is a happy day for bloggers who read in Spanish. Our colleague, Rodrigo Fino, begins his journey through bloggersland with ElBlogDeRodrigoFino, which promises to be the ultimate encounter point for those who read in Spanish and wish to be informed of projects of interest in Latin America and Spain, but also worldwide. Rodrigo has a keen eye for all things related to media, and I am always amazed for his ability to be, in addition to a marvelous designer, also an intellectual of our field. In his blog, visitors will find daily interpretations as well as evaluations of products, brands and new media. Welcome, Rodrigo, and we promise to translate items of interest for our blog, starting today with the new remake of La Prensa of Panama.

La Prensa, Panama, goes to narrower format

Here are highlights of what Rodrigo Fino tells us in his blog today about La Prensa, a project carried out by Garcia Media Latinoamerica under Rodrigo’s leadership:

Three years after its 2005 redesign, La Prensa tackles tough economic times with a serious rethinking of how it does things, emphasizing the following:
1. Maintaining as top priority the quality of its content throughout the entire newspaper.
2. Simplifying the different levels of information and the volume of material on its pages.
3. Improving navigation for every section, starting on page one.

However, the most important change here would be conversion to a narrower format——one inch less (2,54cm) of width.
The typographic scheme includes two fonts: Knockout and Miller.

Here is the link to ElBlogDeRodrigoFino:

For those who read in Spanish, here Rodrigo describes the objectives of his blog:

Todos los días en español una enrada sobre diseño, periodismo, internet,
nuevos medios y tendencias. Hoy en el blog de Rodrigo Fino

Una evolución pragmática
• El desafío de cambiar sin perder el estilo • El diario La Prensa (Panamá) se ajusta a los tiempos que corren y combina cambio de formato (24 pulgadas) con la adaptación de su diseño a una versión más limpia y simple • Practicidad y portabilidad a la orden del día.

+ información en:

Esperamos su viista y comentarios

Baby David Mario arrives

Join me to welcome David Mario into this world. He arrived last night, Nov. 10, at 11:45 pm. He is the son of my daugher Elena and her husband, Daniel Lazaro, and joins their other two children, Sophia, 5, and Danny, 3. Mother and baby doing well. I will come to the hospital today hopefully with my camera in tow to meet my seventh grandson, and my 10th grandchild. A happy day for the Garcia family, indeed. Photos to follow. Thanks to the many of you who have sent me emails and who have called!

TheMarioBlog post #137

The Mario Blog