The Mario Blog

01.24.2017—2am    Post #2556
New semester, new emphasis on visual storytelling

My class at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism, starts today, complete with a new syllabus and emphasis:  We will learn to blend editorial design essentials (grids, color, type, story structures, motion, user experience) with modern tools for building digital stories (wireframes, front-end development, version control, DNS/hosting, deployment).

It is always exciting to meet a new group of students. This will be my fourth year teaching this course at Columbia, and there is very little that the first year syllabus and this one have in common.  This year, my class will be centered around the junction of storytelling, design and technology.

For the first time we will try to introduce students to some basic coding, with the knowledge that, while these students are not training to be coders and developers, their jobs as journalists and/or designers will be better if they have some of the essential knowledge of coding.

The first reading assignment, which you may enjoy, too: The Journalist Engineer, a highlight of which reads:

“The story is the code…..Creative coders turned sight from media art to journalism.”


I also admit that there will be a greater emphasis on everything digital and mobile, and much much less in print. I promise to offer occasional updates on the class' progress and, as we have done before, we will highlight the best work from the students.

Take a look at the course syllabus here

Our visual storytelling series

The role of WED in creating a rich palette of visual storytelling for mobile


Visual storytelling via linear thinking:narrative of the story blends with the images accompanying it.

Digital storytelling, Part One: The fusion of writing/editing/design

Designers of all ages: Let’s rethink, reinvent and recharge

TheMarioBlog post #2554

The Mario Blog