The Mario Blog

08.31.2023—5pm    Post #21990
Getting AI help to create front page of the future

How should a print edition of a newspaper look as more readers consume news on mobile devices?

Call this a combination curiosity and AI tutorial. I am always wondering how to best answer a question that I hear often in workshops and conferences: what do you think is the role of print in a mobile world, and how do you see print editions of newspapers looking when the majority of readers are getting their news via mobile and/or digital platforms?

As I envision the front page of such a newspaper, some thoughts come to mind:

  1. Bigger photos and illustrations, since that is what one can’t do on the small screen of the phone.
  2. Fewer stories on Page One, since nobody comes to a print edition for breaking news.
  3. The editor of a print edition reminds the reader that “we know that you know, but we are going to tell you more and show you the big photos that go with the story.”
  4. Longer stories, and hardly any briefs.
  5. Front pages that develop one major story, offering analysis and depth for a story the reader already is familiar with

A little help from AI

Armed with those thoughts, I prompted Midjourney, a program that allows to get illustrations and visuals by prompting the bot with as many words as possible to get better results.

In this case my prompt read:

Poster illustration, newspaper front page, futuristic, print newspaper for readers in the mobile digital era, big photos, text for stories, logo Future Times, white paper, black type color photos, the newspaper of the future concept, 6 columns. Cinematic.

Here is what Midjourney gave me in a matter of 17 seconds:

Then I took these four ideas and categorized them from A to D–

Version A

This front page capitalizes on a big image to accompany the main story of the day, followed by six brief items that can either be self contained stories, or summaries for stories developed in depth inside the print edition.

Version B

Here, entire front page is devoted to one story. Notice the major display of visuals and how story is divided into two segments to facilitate introduction of two topics related to the same story. Simple, clean and inviting—three elements that have always made for a good front page design.

Version C

This version also displays a major visual at the top, but offers a variety of stories on the front page, reminiscent of what home pages of websites do.

Version D

Here is where I incorporated the human element based on the inspiration of the AI version, still displaying one major visual at the top with story, and several short items in summary format for stories on the inside.

My AI-related interview with Dubai’s Khaleej Times

My interview with Vinay Kamat, editor of Dubai’s Khaleej Times, on the subject of Artificial Intelligence and its impact for journalists across the globe. Highlight: “I have always been an early adapter of new technologies, especially those who facilitate how we communicate and consume information. AI represents a major revolution for how we will research information, draft stories and the way we carry out some of the tasks now carried out by humans. At the same time, my new book is not a love letter to AI. It is a guide for acceptance of the inevitable and a salute of respect for the human endeavor. AI holds a promise of revolutionizing the way we think, create, and share knowledge.”

Pre-order my new AI book here

A Happy Labor Day’s Weekend to all and here is a chance to pre-order my new book about Artificial Intelligence and content creation. The first 25 copies sold will be signed! Order here:…/preorder-ai-what-to-expect…

AI front and center

As I put finishing touches on the manuscript of my new book, AI: The Next Revolution for Content Creation, I am aware that the number of AI-related headlines that appear in my mailbox daily is on the increase, frustrating the author of a book that must have a date of completion, and realizing that in today’s fast paced technological advance environment, books must have websites created for updates.

For more about my new AI book, go here:

Other AI-related blog posts

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Of related interest

Newsrooms around the planet have gone mobile-first after a Garcia Media workshop!

Our Garcia Media Mobile Storytelling workshops are proven to introduce your editorial team to the way we write, edit and design for mobile platforms. It is a one-day program that involves a presentation (where I summarize my Columbia University class content), and follow it with a hands on workshop.

Did you read The Story yet?

I urge you to consult my latest book, The Story, a trilogy full of tips and explanations about mobile storytelling, which represents the latest genre for journalists to explore. See information below:

The full trilogy of The Story now available–3 books to guide you through a mobile first strategy. Whether you’re a reporter, editor, designer, publisher, corporate communicator, The Story is for you! https://amazon

Volume 1: Transformation

Volume Two: Storytelling

Volume Three: Design

Order the print edition of The Story, from Amazon, here:…

The Story, en español:

TheMarioBlog post # 3374

The Mario Blog