The Mario Blog

11.15.2021—10am    Post #19805
McKinsey report: stories that will be hot in 2022

Honored to be included here, a discussion with media leaders about topics that will command media attention in the new year.

Here is what this report is about:

A new year is near, and while the world has continued to grapple with moving beyond COVID-19 and its effects, what new themes will 2022 surface? Journalists, media executives, columnists, commentators, and media critics—from the US and around the world—offered McKinsey their perspectives on what will make the news, from climate change and misinformation to the growing role of artificial intelligence and global supply-chain challenges. And, critically, what is unlikely to merit the headlines we all ought to see more of in coming months.

You will find the perspectives presented interesting and provoking. I urge you to download the report for a variety of views. My own comments here:

Mario García, founder and CEO, García Media
1. “I believe that the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to dominate news in 2022, and not just financial aspects of it, which are important. I think that we will see more personalized stories on
the economic impact of COVID-19 globally, but, particularly, for small-town America. There will be stories related to the suffering of those who lost it all, but I predict that there will be stories of businesses that survived, and how they did it.”
2. “The story of optimism is often left behind in the midst of the turmoil and chaos that seem to rule news cycles today. The United States, specifically, is advancing on many fronts, scientifically, socially, economically, but we don’t hear much about it. It is no wonder that over 60 percent of Americans express discontent and believe that the country
is not moving in the right direction. Let’s not lose track of what we are doing right, and the people who make it possible. Tons of invisible stories waiting to be told!”

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