The Mario Blog

09.09.2021—2am    Post #19704
It isn’t quite post-Covid yet, but some stirrings of return to normalcy are there

All of us dream of a Post-Covid19 world. We must settle for whatever points of light come our way.

It is Thursday, September 9, 2021. Our faces are covered by masks a great portion of our day. We take frequent Covid19 tests (in my case I just had my 24th before I can travel back to the US tonight!), we are still reminded about social distance protocol at every step. Indeed, I have learned to stand on the “distance” spot found on most elevators and wonder if those will ever come off the floor. I also maintain my distance as I stand in line at Starbucks. I don’t think I will ever get close to the person in front of me in any cue ever again.

Yet, we dream of a post-Covid world.

We talk about it in the newsroom, or at happy hour. I correct editors who are ready to create graphic logos with Post Covid. We are not there yet. Maybe in one year or so, and, perhaps Spring 2022, according to the wise Dr. Anthony Fauci, the eminent immunologist serving as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President. I want to believe the credible and always factual Dr. Fauci.

The facts are the facts

We must not forget that there has been a a significant increase in new cases which has reversed what had been a steady decline since January 2021. Because of the Delta variant of Covid 19, we have seen a rapid and alarming rise in the COVID-19 case and hospitalization rates around the USA and globally.

  • In late June, the 7-day moving average of reported cases was around 12,000. On July 27, the 7-day moving average of cases reached over 60,000. This case rate looked more like the rate of cases we had seen before the vaccine was widely available.

Second, new data began to emerge that the Delta variant was more infectious and was leading to increased transmissibility when compared with other variants, even in some vaccinated individuals.  That includes me: I contracted the virus in July 2021 even after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. It was not as bad as it could have been without the vaccine, but still was 5-6 days that had me down, with muscular pains and with a constant cough that lasted about three weeks.


Covering Covid and preparing for the Post Covid era

As I conduct workshops in Europe and also in the United Arab Emirates the past few days, my advice to editors is to continue to cover Covid as a main beat of the day.

I also emphasize the need to start planning Post Covid19 stories, which will range from he scientific aspects of the pandemic, to the lifestyle changes derived from it, including how we work and where, how we receive information and education.

I always say that the only thing certain about Covid19 is the uncertainty that surrounds it. One can’t plan ahead anymore, whether for personal or business travel. The “live day by day” mantra has never been more true and practical.

We should continue to obverve caution for everything we do, even if vaccinated. We must resign ourselves to filling out copious forms to travel . We must have our vaccination card ready to show upon entering a restaurant.

We are not quite in the Post Covid19 era yet, but I sense stirrings and a great desire among my clients and media people globally, to get things going again. This is a good thing.

However, the only thing certain for now is that life, as we knew it, is not likely to return even in the Spring of 2022. Sorry and with much respect, Dr. Fauci.

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TheMarioBlog post # 3328

The Mario Blog