The Mario Blog

05.11.2016—2am    Post #2427
The New Yorker and Virtual Reality

It is the Innovator's Issue of The New Yorker and with it an augmented virtual reality experience that starts on the cover, and continues on the back cover—a first for the iconic magazine.

In one of my parting shots as my Multimedia Platform Design & Storytelling class came to an end this semester, I urged the students to keep an eye on all things virtual reality.  With one class session left , I am recommending that they take a look at the new May 16 edition of The New Yorker.

Ir is a mesmerizing experience, and you can take a look at the video below.  The illustrator Christoph Niemann has created a cover that reveal a three-dimensional city that is revealed when you look at either the cover or back cover through an app.

To make “On the Go” come alive, you muar first download the free UNCOVR App from the Google Play or Apple App store. Then, open the app and point your tablet or phone at the magazine. Move your device around the cover to explore the animated cityscape—and see if you can spot the surprises.


Take a look at the video

TheMarioBlog post #2165

The Mario Blog