The Mario Blog

10.18.2020—5am    Post #17798
The newspaper’s print edition is on the wall

I always wonder why USA newspapers have never fully taken to the idea of displaying the print edition on glass cases for passerbys to sample.

The power of print and the writing is on the wall. I am always happy to see how this tradition of putting the entire print edition of a newspaper on display works. On my morning walk in Dusseldorf this Sunday stopped to see this display of the Sunday edition of Westdeutsche Zeitung, a regional newspaper I redesigned many moons ago. Somehow, this is a tradition cultivated globally, but that apparently never took off in the US. And, yes, there were readers reading in front of these displays. Irony of ironies: all had an iPhone in their hand too.

While the practice of displaying the pages of newspapers on glass enclosed windows is popular in Asia, Europe and Latin America, for some reason it never hit home in the USA.

Many newspapers thru Latin America, Asia and Europe continue to display pages of their print editions outdoor for readers to sample as they pass by, as we see below.

Giant screens and virtual reality newspapers?

In an earlier blog post I discussed how I could envision the basic foundation of displaying pages of newspapers in outdoor spaces as a way to present the Virtual Reality version of a newspaper if that comes to pass—something that is a subject of discussion in several media houses worldwide.

In that blog post I was thinking that the news would appear on giant screens, as we see for advertising in New York City’s Times Square, for example.

Read my interview with Pre-Media: the future of print!

Always a pleasure to have a chat with media critic and newsletter editor, Karl Malik. This interview focuses on the future of print.

Find the interview he did with me here in both German and English:

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Mario’s speaking engagements

Association Media & Publishing

October 22

Keynote: Mobile Storytelling

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Middle East Conference

Nov. 3

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Keynote: How we tell stories in the mobile age


Rodman Media

November 19 (virtual)

Newsroom Mobile Storytelling Training

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Professors: get your review version of The Story on time for fall classes

As an academic, I know the importance of having the right tools to advance our students, especially on the important subject of mobile storytelling. Please drop me an email if you would like to sample The Story in its digital edition:

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The full trilogy of The Story now available–3 books to guide you through a mobile first strategy. Whether you’re a reporter, editor, designer, publisher, corporate communicator, The Story is for you! https://amazon

TheMarioBlog post # 3262

The Mario Blog