The Mario Blog

11.30.2015—3am    Post #2320
It’s The Hindu in Mumbai already

The well-respected Indian newspaper, The Hindu, has made its incursion into the media-crowded market of Mumbai. Here are some pages from that first edition.

The Hindu team celebrates first day publication in Mumbai (photo courtesy of Srinivas Reddy)

The Hindu made its grand entrance into Mumbai November 28.  ​Mumbai is India's financial capital. For newspapers, it presents a tough, challenging, but exciting market. There has been content enhancement in several areas to make this new offering more solid, more attractive, and more competitive. 

While many of the newspapers circulating in Mumbai tend to go down market, or more sensational in their coverage, The Hindu will go head to head with the national newspaper Times of India, to capture a slice of the more sophisticated market.

I chatted with N. Ram, Chairman & Publisher of The Hindu Newspaper Group, about the public's reaction so far:

“The response to The Hindu in Mumbai has been overwhelming, uplifting, I would say. It’s a great time to be in ‘Maximum City’ and it looks like a lot of people here have been waiting for us, with our brand of independent, serious, and relevant journalism, to set up shop here.”

Previously on TheMarioBlog:

Deepak Harichandan, The Hindu’s National Design Editor & Associate Editor, in press room with first copy of The Hindu’s new edition in Mumbai.

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