The Mario Blog

10.25.2016—2am    Post #2516
Discovery: taking a look at Kinfolk magazine

It’s issue 21 of Kinfolk and I am glad I have discovered it.
It shines in its print edition. It is an elegant, easy to navigate website. Take a look at Kinfolk!

I am always searching for a publication that fills a void with its content but that also shows us respect for design and photography.  That is why I was so delighted this past weekend to discover Kinfolk, the magazine whose home is Portland, Oregon.

It does not surprise me that a magazine devoted to “an independent slow lifestyle” comes out of Portland, which I have never visited, but which Tyler Brulé listed as one of his top 25 most livable cities in the world (Portland was the only US city on the list). It is also the home of my friend Ron Reason, who swears his new city is splendid in every way.

Kinfolk transmits that kind of Utopian environment.  Kinfolk editors describe their product as follows:

“Kinfolk is an independent slow lifestyle magazine, published by Ouur, that explores ways for readers to simplify their lives, cultivate community and spend more time with friends and family. It is based in Portland, Oregon, United States.”

The fall edition of Kinfolk is all about the home:

“Kinfolk Issue Twenty-One: Within the pages of the fall edition of Kinfolk, the home becomes more than the sum of its walls and floors, chairs and wallpaper—more than a collection of objects. We delve deeply into the very nature of home, exploring what’s hidden, unseen, mysterious and sensual asking, “What have we forgotten, or overlooked, in the rituals of our daily lives?” In turn, the home and everything it contains are not merely ends in themselves, but the complex elements of each person’s evolving and deeply personal narrative—the foundations of a well-lived life.”

The layout of the printed edition invites readers into an environment that is spacious, uncluttered and minimalist. Typographically, it is elegant and legible.

I invite you to discover Kinfolk.


TheMarioBlog post #2514

The Mario Blog