I don't know how many of you still read news weekly magazines in print, but if you have a chance take a look at the current TIME Magazine, the one with the 2015: The Year Ahead theme.
The coverage of the year ahead is smart and thorough, whatever your area of interest may be: interesting narratives and tips for the year ahead in business, politics, sports, entertainment and technology. It is well designed throughout and takes into accounts the “two tempos” most readers will engage in as they read: longer pieces with short bits that inform and entertain.
This edition of TIME centers around three main themes:
Discovery (via a Space related story with twin astronauts Scott and Mark Kelly, who are helping NASA unlock the secrets of long term space travel).
Power (via an Elections 2016 piece centered around a possible Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush tug of war).
Culture (via comedian Amy Schumer and how she is thriving among the “guy's guys”).
What surprised me the most about this edition, however, is the number of pages: 100. Usually, the print edition of TIME feels quite flimsy in your hands, and, for me this is a big turnoff. I must admit that I read TIME on my iPad most of the time, where one is not readily aware of “volume” as much as with a print edition.
I am hoping that the year 2015 will be good for TIME and other news weeklies so that their print editions will begin to resemble, again, those printed editions of another time not so long ago.