The Mario Blog

05.13.2019—1am    Post #12409
WaPo magazine: 24 beautiful covers in one issue

The Washington Post Magazine tackles climate change in a visual way, one cover at a time.

The topic is climate change and The Washington Post Magazine team has decided to do it as visual and creative as possible. Indeed, there are 24 different covers in this issue, each more interesting than the next.

These are the things that print allows the creative team to do so well. Take a look!

Here is an issue comprised almost entirely of magazine covers (24 of them, to be exact), each highlighting a different WaPo story on the various ways in which climate change is hurting the planet.

It is all about someone creative saying “Why don’t we…..?” and someone in authority to answer “Why not?”. Apparently that is what took place here.

I applaud the team for taking this step. I bet the readers enjoyed it too.

Now, about my favorite of the 24 covers?

And these two were quite special too, especially the one about the effect of climate change in the wine industry—a winner:

And I thought this one below was special, too! All about why so many insects are disappearing.

Mario’s speaking engagements

Mario doing a keynote presentation at Newscamp 2018 in Augsburg, Germany

Here are places where I will be taking the message of mobile storytelling in the weeks ahead:

May 15 INMA, New York City International News Media Association’s Mobile Storytelling Workshop

May 25, Milan, Italy, EidosMedia Annual Customer Meeting, Keynote: Mobile First Strategies for Publishers

June 12, NEC Media City, Bergen, Norway, Storytelling workshop for Editors

June 13, Fortellingens kraft 2019, Bergen, Norway, Long form Mobile Storytelling for Writers

July 11, Florida Media Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, Keynote for editors: The mobile first newspaper strategy.

Mario’s weekend rituals…..

Monocle interviews me about what I do on a typical weekend (is there such a thing? Not for someone like me who is seldom in the same location twice. But I gave it my best shot, for what may come as a normal weekend, when I am home in New York! Enjoy.

Pre-order The Story

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The newspaper remains the most powerful source of storytelling on the planet. But technology threatens its very existence. To survive, the Editor must transform, adapt, and manage the newsroom in a new way. Find out how, pre-orderThe Story by Mario Garcia, chief strategist for the redesign of over 700 newspapers around the world.

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An interview of interest

TheMarioBlog post #3050

The Mario Blog